Musition first software#
Rising Software Auralia and Musition (Mac/Win).Free or membership-based websites like PBS Music Games, Teoria: Music Theory Web (another long-standing, comprehensive set of online materials) (Web/iPad) Free or $4 iPad.Also consider Notion, Dorico, and web-based Flat.Chromatik (store, record & share scores online) Free along with iPad app.SmartMusic (now integrated into MakeMusic Cloud) Individual Performer $30/yr Teachers $40/yr.Sibelius First (Mac/Win) Free, Artist $10/month.Standard work area with keyboard & mouse.Multiple USB, Firewire, or Thunderbolt ports for music peripherals.Processing power, lots of RAM and harddrive or SSD storage.Classroom management of instruction or creative work.When do you need the power of a desktop or laptop computer in place of a smartphone or tablet? Check the products website for most accurate pricing, especially academic pricing.

I've attempted to remove any that are no longer available. The list is still useful as many of these titles are still available but with updated and enhanced version.

Below is a selected list of low-budget music teaching and creation resources compiled in February 2013 and updated in 2023.